Butterflies and Brilliance.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Smoke rings and non-studio music.

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I have always loved sitting on the footbridge. It feels good even though you're doing nothing on there. Stopping and taking a break from reality often give you that faint idea of being left behind; like instead of watching your feet stay on the same ground, you're supposed to be achieving something. Not because you need to, but because everyone else seems to be reaching out for a greater perhaps. We end up chasing nothing just like those little poor souls.

But being on higher ground takes away that feeling. You feel like you're in control of everything. You feel like you could change terrible things and terrible stories with those pair of hands. You feel invincible.

No, not really. You don't feel invincible. You just stop giving a damn about everything in life.


And we sat there, watching the buzzing cars that didn't seem like they were approaching at all from far, far away suddenly disappear below us, like how the inevitable things in life we have intelligently foresaw and prepared ourselves for could still be an explosive ball of surprise that would hit us so hard in the head. We wondered where these people were heading to. And we talked about dainty little nothings.

'What are you thinking?'
'That my death is only a bridge away. If this bridge we're sitting on suddenly vanished, I'd get to enjoy a split second of ecstatic free fall. And BAM.'


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